
Pastor’s Message

Our Mission

As Christians, our mission is to fulfill ministry through caring, worship, and outreach as expressed in Matthew 28:18-20. We are a church where people can come find rest and experience the transforming power of God for the expansion of His Kingdom.

Our Vision

Seneca Community Church is recognized as a growing biblical Community who cares about the unsaved, un-churched, and believers through faith in Jesus Christ.

Join Us for Worship

Virtual Services Request


10:00 AM Worship Service
11:30 AM Youth Sunday School



8:00 PM Independent Prayer &


7:30 PM Bible Study

Welcome To Our Church

Seneca Community Church is a non-denominational community of faith that professes Christian service to the whole of the community as its church. We seek to continually grow and improve the hopes, aspirations, and needs of the people in our community.

Rev. Kenneth N. Nelson, Pastor

Prayer Request

Seneca Community Church minister and intercessors would love the opportunity to pray for you. Your request will remain on our prayer list for 30 days.

February 2: Work, Fruitful Legacy
(1Cor 15:58,Heb 11:1-6)
February 9: Laboring for Justice, Living with Hope
(Micah 6:8,Isa 40:28-31)
February 16: The Strength to Keep Building
(Psalm 103:1-14)
February 23: A Glorious Reward
(Neh 4:6-9,Gal 6:9-10)